Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

SER&!: x%%vr. OF CHRISTS ATONEMENT. loI open my mouth no'more to vindicate myself: I am-over- whelmed with this amazing instance of divine love : God has sent his Son to die for rne, and is pacified to- ward me, for all that' I have done against hihm O wretched creature that I am, that ever- I should rebel against a Godof stick compassion ! Against a God; who all this while had such kind designs towards me, and was making his own way to reconciliation and peace, through the blood of his own Sun I find now by sweet -experi- once, what I have been often told by other christians, that the most kindly workings of true repentance, arise from the sense ofa and a dying Saviour." III. Let us use this atonement of Christ, as our con- stant way ofaccess to God in all our prayers. This is the only safe method of address to the mercy-seat : It is ordained for this very purpose, to help a sinner near to God ; Heb. x. 19, 21, 22. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to come into. the holiest by the blood of Jesus, and having a High-priest over the house of God, let u.t draw near with a true heart. He is ascended to Hea- ven before us, he is entered within the vail in virtue 6f his sacrifice; he has bespoke acceptance for our persons before the throne, and a favourable audience for all our .prayers. Whatsoever we ask of the Father, we must ask it in his name, and especially in the name and virtue of his great atonement : All the blessings that God has to bestow, are purchased by his sufferings. Refection. " Pemember, O my soul, and be hum- ble; remember thou canst not be a welcome guest even at the throne of grace, unless thou art sprinkled with the blood of Jesus. The God.whem thou hast offended, is a great God, and a terrible, a God of holiness, like a devouring fire ; a God of awful majesty and severe jus- tice, who will by no means clear the guiity, without 'some recompence for his broken lawn. Dare not to approach him therefore, but tinder the-protection of the blood of his Son ; Christ is set forth 'as our propitiation through faith in his blood. If thdu bring' the atonement of Christ in the hand of thy faith, thou shalt find sweet and easy access': And when thou art filled with inward sor- rows, thou mayest pour their all out, and spread thy complaints and thy burdens before the eyes ,of thy God; with inward consolation and hope. II j'