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'SHIT PRACTICAL USES fsER31. xxxvr. Eph. iii. 18, 19. For, " when we were enemies, lie died to reconcile us to God," Rom. v. 10. The great and blessed God hadno richer gift than his Son, and he be- stowed his Son upon us. Christ Jesils himself madehis flesh and soul an offering for our sins. It was a spring of divine love that arose from the besom of God, and runs through all this sacred transaction in many blessed streams : It runs through all the length of time into á long eternity. How should this melt and soften our hearts, into returns of love to the' great God, and to his Son Jesus Christ. " We love him, saith the beloved apostle, because he first loved us." 1 John iv. 19. Reflection. " And what shall I do to raise my love to God my Father, and my blessed Redeemer ? When I was a stranger and an enemy, God reconciled me to himself,- by sending his Son to die for me. How hard is this wretched heart of mine, that it feels no more pow- erful impressions from this amazing love and compassion ofGod to a rebel creature ! What sorrows, What indigni- ties, what bitter scoffs, what loads of reproach, what in- ward and unknown agonies of soul, what a shameful, and painful, and cursed death, did the blessed Son of God endure for my sake ? And can I forbear to love him ? Alas ! how cold are my affections! How feeble and languid is my zeal ! What poor sorry returns do I make for these infinite condescensions of divine love ! Warm my heart, O Jesus, with this love, and inflame all mj affections. O may all the powers of my soul ex- ert their utmost diligence in the service of the Son of God, that has redeemed me ! His love was stronger than death ; and.shall it not constrain me to love him ! Did he lay down his life for thy sake, and shall I not lay out and employ my life with all my talents and capacities to his honour? Blessed 'Jesus, I grieve, I mourn, I am confounded that I feel no, more of the constraining influ- ences of thy dying love, to make all muy duty and obedi- ence easy and delightful." VII. This doctrine carües in it a strong persuasive to that love and pity which we should shew on all occasions to our fellow-creatures. When the apostle John had magnified the love of God, in that he had sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins : He makes this infer - ence, Beloved, God eo loved us, we ought also to love. 5