SERM. XXX1X:3 THE RIGHT IMPROVEMENT' OP' 'APE. 157 tested, that there may be no tremblings about your heart in that solemn and important hour; no doubtful flutter- ings or frights on a death-bed, but that you may lind the gates of glory open before you, that you may see your way clear through the dark valley, and have a rich and abundant entrance into the kingdom of your God on I. Life is yours, that by a due improvement of it your crown of glory may be enlarged, and your seat ad- vanced in heaven. That there are different degrees of honour and joy conferred on the saints above, according to their differ- ent characters and capacities, is a doctrine that hath SQ much countenanceand evidence from scripture, that we can no longerjustly doubt of it: And, I think, I have made this appear by incontested proofs in another place.* Ifyouare zealous for the cause of Christ, and active in his service through all the stages of life, and your old age be crowned with abundant fruits of righte- ousness, your reward in glory shall bear a proportion to these labours, and the length of your time on earth shall give a glorious addition to your recompence in the hea- venly world,; 1 Goy. xv. 58. " Be ye stedfast, unmoea- ble, always abounding in the work of the Lord : for as muchas ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." What a shame and pity is it, that you or,I should have a long life on earth,' and but a low rank or a little portion of reward in heaven ! But to animate your zeal, I would humbly propose yet a more surprising advancement in glory, to the diligent improvers of life and grace. What ifthe services you do for God on earth should still bring forth new fruit among -men long after your death?' add what if your happi- ness should be ever increasing in this proportion ? When the great Judge comes, he will surely " reward every one according to their works." But in Jer. xvii. 10. it is said, ",God will not onlygive to every man according to his ways, but also according to the fruit of his do- ings ?" What if our labours, our prayers, our pious works and words, or our examples on earth should go on to produce this divine fruit, even the conversion of *Treatise of Death and Heaven, Dicoutse IT. Sect. 2.