Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

V36 THE RIGHT ÌMPRÖVËM$NT ÒF', LIFE. (SEEM. XXXIt. falls ; our negligence and criminal indulgences of temp- tation, have justly forfeited his peculiar favours : And it must still be confessed, it is our own fault where length of life is ,not attended with growth in grace, and meet- ness for superior glory. I should now proceed to the Second general head proposed ; but not having room to finish all my design at once,,I shall conclude this dis- course with these two reflecti s. First Reflection. What a rich advantage is put into the hands of a young convert! When a sinner, in his younger years of life is changed into a saint, what a blessed privilege is granted hiín by divine grace ! And what a glorious opportunity is afforded him, the improve- mentwhereof may reach to everlasting ages ! " Happy soul, who art reconciled to God betimes, 'and a thousand sins in the following course of thy life are hereby prevented ! Happy soul, to whom Christ has manifested his love in the beginning of life, and saved thee betimes from eternal death ! According to the course of nature, thou hast a prospect ofdoing long ser- vice for thy Lord and thy God. ' Awaken all thy thoughts consult, "contrive, and seek divine advice what thou shalt do for Ms honour, who bath given thee so early a salva- tion. Pray for the direction of the blessed Spirit, to mark out the pathsof thy, feet, and to employ thy head, thy hands, , and thy tongue, in the most honourable manner for thy God, and the most useful for the good of men. Remember, every hour of thy time is a part of thy treasure : Let it not be said at last, it was a prise put into the hands of a fool that had no skill nor, heart to use it. God, even thy God, expects a daily revenue of glory, as the just improvement of this treasure. Leta holy zeal he kindled within thee, to do glorious services for thy Cre- ator and thy Saviour, and to shew thy large returns of love to him who bath first loved thee. Let apious am- bition set all thy powers at work, to do some uncommon good for men, and to be made an extensiveblessing to all that are near thee. Arise, and shine long,, as a fair ex- ample of holiness in a dark and wicked world, and let every year of life brighten thy character on earth, and ,anlare thy reward in heaven. Be: not content merely