Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

164 ERE RIGHT IMPROVEMENT OF LIFE. [SEAM, EERIE. " Is 'life prolonged that I may be profitable to man- kind, and have I lived thus long already to so little pur- pose? Though my goodness extends not unto thee, O Lord, yet I entreat that my fellow-creatures may be the better for me while I continue amongst them. O may the God of Abraham bestow on me that rich favour which Abraham received in those divine words of pro- mise, " I will bless thee, and I will make thee a blessing," Gen. xii. 2. I would fain live useful and beloved, that I may die desired and lamented. What a shameful thing is it when I go out of the world, that my acquaintance should say, " He is gone, but there is. no loss of him." " Have my days beenTrolonged thus far that my hopes of heaven might be daily increasing, that my evidences of adoption might grow stronger daily, and my soul be more prepared for heaven : Look inward then, O my soul: Hast thou acquired a more divine and heavenly temper than in years past? Art thou wrought up to a greater meetness for the inheritance on high? Are thy desires, thy appetites; and all thy powers more fitted for the business of heaven,and attempered to the blessedness of the upper world ? Art thou growing fitter still for the sight of God, for converse with Christ, for the company of saints. and holy angels? How are thy days andmonths, and years run out to waste, if thou art so much nearer death, and yet art not so much riper for heaven? " And is it possible that a length of life should be so improved, as that my crown of glory, and my portion of happiness may be enlarged hereafter ? Let my holy am- bition awake at such a hint as this, and let me aspire to a superior rank among the blessed, by employing every part of life to the most noble 'and'excellent purposes for which life is granted. Let me ever abound in the work of the Lord, since I am assured that no part of my la- bours shall be in vain in the Lord, or want its proper re- compence. Though it is the blood of my Redeemer that has purchased all the prizes and crowns inheaven; yet if am a swift runner in the christian race, and the race itself be long, I am fitted to receive the fairer prize: And if Tarn an active and victorious soldier in the army of Christ, and have served faithfully through a tedious war; I may have reason to hope for a brighter crown. We