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I136 THE PRIVILEGE OF THE [SERM. XL. upon the cross, spoke a word for Christ in his last mo- ments, and it has been blessed to rescue many from the jaws of despair : That dying creature had done nothing for God in his life ; a vicious life, and a wicked crea- ture,! But the profession ofsincere faith and repentance which he made at his death, hath been richly honoured in the kingdom of grace ; and I am persuaded it has helped many a fearful christian on toward the kingdom ofglory. Inference IV. " If so manyvaluable works are done, and so many graces are exercised on earth, which have no place in heaven, then the lives of the saints are worth praying for." Precious in the eye of God is the life of his saints, and they should be precious in the eye of man too. When an active, useful christian, when a pious magis- strate, when a zealous and faithful minister goes down to the dust, alas! how much good ceases from the earth for ever ? The world knows not what it loses by such a death. Let not children be impatient at the length of life which their holy parents enjoy : You know not, children, what benefit ye may reap from their example, their coun- sel, their earnest prayers; and secret wrestlings with God for your souls : Let us have a care that we do nothing, that wemay break the spirits ofour pious friends, or that may hasten the departure ofholy persons from this lower world, whose virtues and graces are of eminent use among us. Let us rather pray earnestly, that God would lengthen out the days of those, who speak and act with a useful zeal for the honour of Christ, and for the welfare of the souls of men. When death once has put a period to their days, all this sort of service is finished for ever; and we ourselves may sustain unknown loss by their speedy departure out of thisworld. THE RECOLLECTION. " Is not this a strange doctrine which I have heard to- day, that a christian on earth has many privileges which can never belong to the saints in heaven ? Is it not strange tidings to hear, that there are many graces to be exercised in this life, which neither saints nor angels can practise in the holy and heavenly world ; And yet the . evidence is so strong, and the truth is so plain and cer- tain, that I see it, and I must believe it. Remember