SERM. THE DP! Atli OT IQINDRLD iDIPROVED. 21p duly considered my past conduct toward my relations deceased, and does it improve itself to my conscience at the review ? Or have I found matter for self-conderima- tion and repentance? Have I treasured up the memory of their virtues in my heart, and set them before me as the copy of my life ? Have my thoughts followed the soul of my dear departed friend, and traced it with plea- sure to the world of blessed spirits ; and does my own soul seem to fix its hope and joy there, and to dwell there above ? Are my thoughts become more spiritual and heavenly ? Dó I live more as a borderer on the other world, since a piece of me is gone thither ? And am I ready for the summons, if it should come before to-morrow ? " Happy christian, who has been taught by the Spirit of grace to improve the death even of the dearest rela- tive to so divine an advantage ! The words of my text are then fulfilled experimentally in you: " Death is yours :" Death itself is made a. part of your treasures. The parting stroke is painful indeed, but it carries a blessing in it too; for it has promoted your heavenlyand eternal interest." .Amen. HYMN FOR SERMONXLII. DEATH OF KINDRED IMPROVED. JTUST friends andkindred drop and die? Omay our feet pursue the way, Our pious fathers led ; While love and holy zeal obey The counsels of the dead. Must helpers be withdrawn? While sorrow, with a weeping eye, Counts up our comforts gone. Be thou our comfort, mighty God, Our helper and our friend : plor leave us, in this dang'rous road, Till all our trialil end. Let us be wean'd from all below ; Let hope our grief dispel; Death will invite our souls to go, Where our best kindred dwell,