TEEm. b"EA.TH A BLESSINC re THE SATNTS. 223 of perfect holiness,, safety, and peace. The spirits of the just are made perfect in holiness, when they leave this sinful and mortal flesh, they stand without spot or blemish, without fault or infirmity of greater or lesser size, and appear pure and undefiled before the throne of God; Rev. xïv. 5. "'Their robes are washed, and made white in the blood of the Lamb, and they serve himwithout sin, day and night, in his temple" Rev. vii. 14, 15. When death carries them away from this world, it carries them out of the territories of the devil; for he has no power in that landwhither :happy souls go : And all the remaining lusts of the flesh, that had their death's wound given them by renewing grace, are now destroy- ed for ever; for the death of the body is the final death of sin, and the grave is, as it were, the burying-place of many unruly iniquities, that have too often defiled and disquieted the spirit. And as the corrupt affections which are mingled with our flesh and blood, and which are rooted deep in ani- mal nature, are left behind us in the bed of death, so when we ascend to heaven, we shall find no mannerof temptation to revive them. There is no malice or angry resentment to be awakened there, no incitements to envy, intemperance, or the cursed sin of pride, that cleaves so close to our natures here on earth. When we are encompassed with those blessed crea- tures, angels and saints made perfect, we shall meet with no affront, no reproach, no injury, to provoke our an- ger, or kindle an uneasy passion. Most perfect friend- ship is ever practised there; it is a region ofpeace, la 'world of immortal amity. Marshall we find any temptation to envy, in that happy state ; for though there are different ranks of glorified creatures, yet each is filled with a holy satisfaction, and 'bath an inward relish of his own felicitysuited to his own capacity and state, and they have all a general relish of the - common joy, and a mutual satisfaction io each others- happiness. Envy, that fretful passion, is no more. In heaven there are no provocations to those unruly appetites, which break in upon Our temperance, and pollute our souls. Pride and haughtiness of spirit have no room in that 'blessed-world : The superior order of saints, :.which are