Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

SBRM. XXXI.] OR REMEDIES AGAINST FEAR. sr gospel, and rise in arms of defiance against the only Saviour. ' It is proper then for us to enquire, are we ready to declare ourselves christians if we are called to it, when deists and scoffers surround us with their abo- minablejests, or their wanton cavils? For though some- times they argue against our creed with calmness and decency, yet it must be confessed that those are the most common weapons which this sort of men make use of. Darewe now make a profession of our faith among men of infidelity, and not value their banter, and their inso- lent reproaches? Let us remember, that christian cou- rage must encounter mockery and slanders as well as other terrors: Courage must guard us against sinful shame, as well as against sinful fear. Can we glory in a crucified Saviour as the wisdom and the power of God, if we should be placed between the Jews on one side, and the heathens on the other, who load this doe, trine with folly and scandal. St. Paul was a brave ex- ample ; O that every soul of us could as bravely imitate him ! But let us proceed to some more occasions of- courage a -kin to this. Perhaps we content ourselves to be christians in our . closets, and to frequent the public assemblies of worship without shame or fear, because our neighbours do the same : But I would enquireof such general professors of christianity, why are you so backward to give up your: names to Christ, and attend on the special ordinance of his holy supper ? Is it not because you are ashamed to appear in such a strict profession of godliness, and to be known and observed by the world, as those that have devoted themsel\ es to 'the Lord in his church? This is certainly the case of some younger converts. Let them herebe put in mind of their former neglects, and their present duty. Be strong in the Lord, banish a shameful . shame, and seal your covenant in the blood of Christ. His cross is your hope, and why should you not make it yourglory too? If you are ashamed of such a_public profession in peaceful times, what will ye do if days of trial should come? Would you be ready tovindicate your separation from the church of Rome, and all its superstitions ? Would you have courage enough to maintain the purity ofyour profession, andyour close adherence., to scrip -. B3