Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

ARM. XLIII. DtATH A BLESSING TO THE SAINTS. 231 illustrious scene oflight and joy shall ariseall around thee as thou enterest into that unknown state ! What strange new ideas of things, what new worlds of knowledge shall throng in upon thee; and thy enlarged understanding shall receive them all with infinite satisfaction, and with ever-growing pleasure ! Art thou not already on the wing, my soul, at such a divine prospect as this ? O stu- pid creatures that we are ! weseek after the light of truth here below, andcroud about a little glimmering spark of knowledge we wrangle all around it with endless conten- tion, and yet when death would open the gate of glory, and admit us into regions of light, we start 'back, aid re- tire, contented to abide among twilight and shadows. But, Omy soul, if truth and knowledge are net suffi- cient to allure thee, has holiness no constraining power? blast thou not sinned enough and broken the laws of God often enough already ? .Hastthou not brought guilt enough, and grief enough, upon thyself, that thou art afraid of a state of perfect holiness? What is it that has given thee such inward pain as the perpetual workings of thy native iniquity ? What is it that has made thee cry out, " Owretched creature that I am ! Who shall deli- verme from the bodyof this death ?" Rom. vii. 24. From the temptations and the sins which are mingled with flesh and blood ? And art thou afraid to have thygroans ended, thy complaints removed, and thy, deliverance appear? Art thou unwilling to accept of the release ? Dost thou shrink back from the sight of the deliverer? Has not thy faith often seen the spirits of thejust made perfect stand- ing before the throne, rejoicing before God, worshipping in thecomplete beauty of holiness? And has not this thy faith awakened thy desires and 'thy sacred wishes ! O that I were in the midst of them ! Why then art thou so unwilling to leave this body of sin and darkness, and to go out of this troublesome and impure prison into that glorious world, that blessed assembly, and to worship amongst them without imperfection, and without weari- ness? Consider, O my soul, are thy complaints of in- dwelling corruption sincere ? Are thy groans for deliver- ance honest and hearty? Why then art thou afraid 'to let this tabernacle be dissolved, and togain a blessed release from these inbred and restless enemies? ,Ilan not the lustre ofperfect.holiness attraction and forceenough in it