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S$ithl. XLIV.1 ANI) THE USE OP IT. 245 first cause of all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, the Creator and Governor, the original Pos- sessor, and the sovereign Lord of all other beings what- soever. And as he is the original Lord of all, be -re- quires the worship and homage ofall his intelligent crea= tures He demands holy obedience to his laws,- and humble submission to his providences ; and upon this account, even some of the ancients, by the light of na- ture, have called him, " Father of all." Proposition IV. The great God bath more clearly made himself known in his word, under the personal and relative character of a Father, that is; as a person bearing the relation of a father, and that net only to Angels and men, who are called the sons of God ; but he is aFather also to our Lord Jesus Christ himself, though in a far more excellent and - Yet superior way, for Christ is the only be gotten Son. it may be noted; that God is never called the Father of the Holy Ghost. Under this personal characterof the Father, the -great God appears, in'scripture, as the prime Agent and Ruler in all the kingdoms- of nature, and grace, and glory The Father is eminently Lord of heaven and earth, as Christ himself calls him*. He sustains the dimity and majesty, of godhead, and maintains the divine rights and prerogatives of it in heaven, earth, and hell. It is under this personal character that he appears, in my text, as that God and Father, who receives the ho- mage and worship of sinful men, returning and ape preaching to him through Jesus Christ his Son, and by his Holy Spirit. Proposition V. 'God the Father is revealed in scrip= turn, as transacting his affairs that relate to his creatures through Jesus'Christ his Son, and by bis Holy Spirit. It is by his Son " he made the worlds," Heb. i. 2. It is by his Spirit he " formed the host of heaven," Ps. xxxiii. 6. It is by his Spirit he "renews the face of the earth; and covers it with living creatures," Ps. civ. SO. It .is by his Son he redeems sinful mankind from hell, and by his Spirit he sanctifies them, and makes -them fit for heaven. "Mat. -xi. 25. " Jesus said, -I thank thee, 'O Father, Lord of heaven and earth ;" verse 27. All things are delivered to the of my Father." It 5