ganen, XLIV. AND THE USE OF IT. 247 thirty years a man among men, taught divine doctrine here on earth, and wrought various divine wonders to confirm it, was crucified by the Jews and Romans, rose again; from thedead, " left this world, and his Father and óur Father, to his God and our God," John xx. 17. even where he was before he appeared in flesh; John vi. 62. Proposition VIL As this description raises Jesus Christ far above the dignity of angels, and carries, some- thing divine in it, so there are several express ascrip- tionsof true and proper divinity or godhead to him. This glorious person Jesus, the Son of God, bath divine names, titles, attributes, operations, and worship as- cribed to him, even such whereby God the Father him- self is known and distinguished to'be:the true God, &c. Is the Father called the Lord our God often in scrip- ture? So Thomas calls Christ, "My Lord and my God," John xx. 28. Is the Father called, " the First and the Last," Is. xliv. 6. So is the Son, Rev, i. 17. and xxii. 13. Is the Father called Jehovah, " the mighty God, and God blessed for ever ?" So is Christ, Jer. xxiii. 6, Is. ix. 6. Rom. ix. 5. Christ is that Jehovah, ivhom all " the angels of God must worship," Ps. xevii. 7. compared with Heb, i. 6. Christ is that God, that Jehovah, who "laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of his hands," Heb. i. 1o. compared with Ps. cii. 25. He is that Lord and God, who " ascended on high, and led captivity cap- tive," Ps. lxviii. 18. compared with Eph. iv. 8. He is that Jehovah, on whose " name, those who call, shall be delivered, or saved," Joel ii. 32. compared with Rom. -x. 13. These; and many other scriptures prove, that Jesus Christ may be properly called true God : " For our God is a jealous God," jealous of his honour and divine pre- rogatives, .Ex. xxxiv. 14. Jehovah is his name, and he will not give his name and glory, his peculiar titles and attributes, to another," Is. xlii..8. Therefore since Christ, the Son of God, has these divine names, titles, and glories attributed to hirn, he must have true god- head, in some way or manner, belonging to him also. Proposition VIII. Since Jesus Christ, considered as It 4