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511RM. XLtV.] Atb TftiB Z7SE OF it. the spirit of a man, which is in him ; even so the things of God, knoweth none but the Spirit of God." A num- ber of other texts seem to conspire in this representation; Ps. cxxxix. 7. " Whither shall I go from thySpirit, whi- ther shall I flee from thy presence ?" where- the term Spirit signifies God himself, or a distinct principle in the divine Essence. Ps. cvi. 53. " The children of Is- rael provoked his Spirit ;" lxiii. 10. "They rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit," even as the spirit of a prince is provoked andvexed by the rebellion ofhis sub- jects. 'So Eph. iv. 30. " Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed." " These have quieted my spirit in the north country," &c. Zech, vi. S. As the spirit ofaman, or ofany living creature, does riot imply another being, derived from that creature; but a natural principle of operation in the veryessence of that creature, and whereby that creature acts, so the Holy Sprit is generally called the Spirit of God, not to denote another inferior being derived from God, but some eternal glorious principle in the very essence of God, some principle or power in and of the true and eternal godhead, by which God operates*. So Ps. xxxiii. 6. "The hosts of heaven are formed by the breath, or Spirit of God. Job xxvi. 13. " By his Spirit he gar.. nished the heavens." Ps. li. 12. David prays that God would uphold him by his free Spirit ;" Rom. viii. 11. " God shall quicken your mortal bodies, that is, raise you from the deàd, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.° * Note, I have, in some of my writings, used the word " power," to denote this principle of operation in the godhead, since this word is very much used in scripture to describe the Holy Spirit. Luke i. 35. " The HolyGhost shall come upon thee, and the povvot of the Highest shall overshadow thee." Acts x. '38. "Jesus of Naiareth was anointed With theHoly Spirit, and with power." John iii. 34. " He had the Spirit given him without measure ;" and it was by this Spirit he wrong ht miracles, and cast out devils, and healed di,eanes, which, in other place.,, is called the fingerof God, and the power of God, Mat.. xii. 28. Luke xi. 20. and v. 17. The apostles waited at Jerusalem for the promùe of the Spirit, which, Luke xxiv. 49. is called their " being endued with :power from on high :" the word is Suva os power, not áyr10-1x, dr aiit1sority: Ant Many other scriptures might be cited fór this pue ose. Let it be noted also, that the " power" doe§ tldt lead'is , Into The iitt ,, of another distinct substance, in .the i941end, as ti1C wed p oipi ' might ehaine tv d9,,