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272 THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY, [SLRM. XLIv. to draw their hearts near to himself. A glorious religion; indeed, that unites Jews and Gentiles, and mankind of all nations, to the great and blessed God ! And what a disgrace is it to this religion, that we should not be more united to one another? " We are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow- citizens with the saints, and of the household of God," Eph. ii. 19. What a most absurd and grievous thing it is, that we, who are brought into such a state of friendship by divine grace, should obey the corrupt dictates of nature, and the lusts of the flesh! that we should quarrel and fight, even in the presence ofthat God, to whom we have access by the blood of one Mediator, and by the influence of one Spirit ! Surely this must be a Spirit of union, and peace, and love, this one Spirit, which reconciles God and man, who were at a dreadful distance, this Spirit which reconciles Jew and .Gentile, who were mutual strangers and enemies. And how can we suppose we are governed by this unit- ing Spirit, this Spirit of gentleness, meekness and friend- ship, if we indulge the ferments of wrath and revenge in our bosom, if we resolve to carry on strife and conten- tion with the language of railing, and reviling against those, who worship the same God, by the same Media- tor? How canwe hope, that this Spirit has ever recon- ciled us to God, if we persist in enmity against our bre- thren ? Should we " have all faith, and remove moun- tains, if we have not love, we are not christians," 1 Cor. xiii. 2. The very nature'-and life of Christianity, is faith working by love, faith leading the soul to God the Fa- ther, through the mediation of Jesus Christ his Son, by the aid of theHoly Spirit, and producing all works of holiness, by the influence of love to God and man. May this be wrought in our hearts, and practised in our whole course of life ! THE RECOLLECTION. " Ilast thou heard, O my soul, hast thou learned, the glorious discoveries, 'that-God has made of himself to fallen creatures, and does not thy heart rejoice within thee, at the sound of such a doctrine, and such a salva- tion ? Has the blessed God revealed himself to thee in his beloved Son, and by his Holy Spirit ? And does he invite thee to approach him as a Tather, by such a divine Mediator, and such a divine Sanctifier ? 0 let all the