DISC. I.] TIM END OF TiMB. 331 gospel of his Son Now is pardon and peace, now is grace and salvation preached untomen, to sinful wretch- ed men, who are at enmity with God, and the objects of his high displeasure; now the voice of mercy calls to us, "This is the accepted time, this is the day of salva- tion," 2 Cor. vi. 2. " To-day if ye will hear his voice, let not your hearts be hardened to refuse it," Heb. iii. 15. Now the fountain of the blood of Christ is set open to wash our souls from theguilt of sin; now all the springs of his mercy, are broken up in the ministrations of the gospel : now God is in Christ, reconciling sinners to himself, 2 Cor. v: ]9. and he has sent us his ministers to " intreat you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to 'God;" and we beseech you in his name, continue not one day or one hour longer in your enmity and rebellion, but be ye reconciled to Godyour Creator, and accept of his offered forgiveness and grace, verse 20. Thè moment is hastening upon us, when this mighty angel, who manages the affairs of the kingdomof provi- dence, shall swear concerning every unbelieving and impenitent sinner, that the "time of offered mercy shall be no longer, the time of pardon and grace and reconci- liation shall be no more :" The sound of this mercy reaches not to the regions of the dead ; those who die 'before they are reconciled, they die under the load of all their sins and must perish for ever, without the least hope or glimpse of reconcilingor forgiving grace. III. At the term of this mortal life, " the time of prayer and repentance and service for God or man in this world shall be no longer." Eccles. ix. 10. " There is no work nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest, whither we are all hastening." Let every sinful creature thereforeask himself, " Have I never yet begun topray? Never begun to call upon the mercy of the God that made me ? Never begun to re- pent of all my crimes and follies ? Nor begun in good earnest todo service for God, or to honour him amongst men ?" Dreadful thought indeed ! When, it may be, the next hour we may be put out of all capacity and op- portunity to' do it for ever ! As soon as ever an impeni- tent sinner has the veil of deathdrawn over him, all his opportunities of this kind are for ever cut off: He that has never repented, never prayed, never honoured his