338 THE END Or TIME. [DrsC. T. inward terrors would sting their souls to death, if there could be any such thing as dying there. Such sighs,- and sobs, and bitter agonies would break their hearts, and dissolve their being, if the heart could break, or the being could be dissolved : But immortality is their dreadful portion : immortality of sorrows, to punish their wicked and wilful abuse of time, and that waste of the means of grace they were guilty of in their mortal state. [" Here this discourse may be divided.") I proceed in the last place, to considerwhat reflexions may be made on this discourse, or what are some of the profitable lessons to be learned from it. Reflection I. We may learn, with great evidence, the inestimable worth and value of time, and particularly to those, who. are not prepared for eternity. Every hour you live, is an hour longer given you to prepare for dying, and to save a soul. If you were but apprized of the worth of your own souls, you would better know the worth of days and hours, and of every passing moment, for they are given to secure your immortal interest; and save a soul from everlasting misery. And you would be zealous and importunate in the prayer of Moses, the man of God, upon the meditation of the shortness of life ; Ps. xc.12. " So teach us to number our days, as to apply our, hearts towisdom- :" that is, so teach us to con- sider, how few and uncertain our days are, that we may be truly wise in preparing for the end of them. It is a matter of vast importance, to be ever ready for the end of time, ready to hear this awful sentence, con- firmed with theoath ofthe glorious angel, that " time shall be no longer." The terrors, or the comforts of a dying bed depend upon it : The .solemn and decisive voice of judgment dependsupon it : The joys and the sorrows of a long eternity,depend upon it : Go now, carelesssinner, and, in the view of such things as these, go.. and trifle,_ away time, as you have done before; time, that invalu- able treasure! Go, and venture the loss of your souls; and the hopes of heaven, and your eternal happiness, in . wasting away the remnant hours or moments of life: But remember the awful voice of the angel is hastening to- wards :you, and. the sound is just breaking in upon you, that time shall be no longer." :Reflection IL " A due sense of time, hastening to its