yam END OF TTME. [Disc.r. be done in this ?" Have you not often experienced your .own disappointment and folly by these delays ? And yet have you ever so repented, as to learn to mend them ? So- lomon tells us, I ccles. iii,. 1. There is atime for every purpose, and every work, under the sun ;" a proper and agreeable time for every lawful work of nature and life ; and it is the business and care of a wise man to do proper work in proper time; but when we have let slip the proper season, how often have we been utterlydisappointed ? Have we not sustained great inconveniencies ? And, sometimes, it hath so happened, that we could never do that work or business at all, because another proper sea- son for it hath never offered : Time bath been no more. Felix put off his discourse withPaul, about the " faith of Christ, and righteousness, and judgment to come, to a more convenient time, which probably never came"; Acts xxiv. 25. And the word of God teaches us, that, if we neglect our salvation in the present day of grace, the angel, in my text, is ready to swear, that " time '8hall be be longer." Here permit me to put in a short word to those, who have lost much time already. O my friends ! begin now to do, what in you lies to regain it, by double diligence, in-the matters of your sal- vation, lest the voiceof the arch -angel should finishyour time of trial, and call you to judgment before you are prepared. What time lies before you, for this double improve- ment, God only knows The remnant of the measure of your days is with him, and every evening the number is diminished ; Let not the rising sun upbraid you with con- tinued negligence. Remember your former abuses of hours, and months, and years, in folly and sin, or, at best, in vanity and trilling: Let these thoughts of your past conduct, lie with such an effectual weight on your hearts, as to keep you ever vigorous in present duty. Since you have been so lazy and loitering, in your christian race, in time past, take larger steps daily, and stretch all the powers of your souls to hasten towards the crown and the prize. Hearken to the voice of God, in his word, with stronger attention and zeal to profit Pray to a long- suffering God with double fervency : cry aloud, and give him no rest, till your sinful soul is