356 THE WATCHFUL. CHRISTIAN DYING IN PEACE: [DISC. II". ".Slothfulness casteth into a deep.slcep. A little more sleep, a little more slumber, saith the lazy christian, who turns upon his bed, as the door upon its hinges," and makes no progressor advance in his way to heaven. We are sleepyChristians, when we do little for God, or our own ,souls, in comparison of the vast work, and importantva-' rieties ofduty that lie upon us When our zeal iscold; and our efforts of service slight and feeble: When the light of grace shines so dim, and the spark of holiness is so co- vered with ashes, 'that it is hard to say, whether it burn or no. As in natural things, so in spiritual, it is a diffi- cult matter, sometimes, to :distinguish between a dead man and a lethargic sleeper. 'Watchfulness, inopposi- tion to this slumber, is a lively and vigorous exercise of every grace, and a diligent. attendance on every duty, both. toward God and man, a constant converse with heaven by daily devotion, an active zeal for God in the world, a steady faith in the promises, a joyful hopeof heavenly blessedness, a longing expectation of the re- turning Saviour, which makes the soul stretch out the wings of desire and joy, as though it were going forth to meet him. This is the meaning of the apostle Peter's expression, 2 Pet. iii. 12. Looking for, and hastening to the coining of the dayofGod." Put all these things togethernow, and they make up the character of a watchful christian :. He is awake froni the sleep of death, and . tnade spirittally 'alive he bath the work of vital religion begun in his heart. He is awake from the sleep of thoughtlessness and in-; dolence, he is solicitous to know his own state, and bath goodhope through grace, he lives in the view of heavenly things, andkeeps his eyeopen to futureand eternal glories: He is awake from the sleep of security, he is upon his guard against every danger, and ready to receiiie every alarm.. He is awake from the sleep of slothfulness, and isac- tive in the pursuit of the glory of his .God ;: and his own eternal interest, and still pressing 'toward fhemark toob- tain the prize. This is the soul that is ,ready to Inca a re- turning Saviour, and to meet his Lord when he. conies, either at the hour of death, or. to the general judgment. Thirdly, Let me propose some special considerations, ivti.ch:_discover the blessedness of. the watchful christian the hour of death.