Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

DLSC. ni.] SURPR-TZE IN DEATH. 38T. not in the _hand of their Maker : But the watchful christian lives upon that principle which David professes ; GPs.` xxxi. 15. " My times are in thy hand, O Lord ;" inrl theynever give rest to themselves, . till they can re- joice with him, and say to the Lord, thou art my God, into thy hands I commit my spirit, for. thou hast re- deemed it, and I leave it to thy appointment, when thou wilt dislodge me from this body of flesh and blood, and call we into thy more immediate presence: Verse 5. If we could but resist the messenger of death, . when the Lord of hosts has sent it, ifwe could shut the mouth of the grave, when the Son of God has opened it for us, with the key that is entrusted in his hand, we might say then to our souls, " sleep on your bed of ease, and take your rest:" But wo be to those, who will venture to sleep m an unholy and unpardoned state, or even allow them- selves the indulgence of short and sinful slumbers, when they cannot resist death one moment, when they cannot delay the summons of heaven, when they cannot defer their appearance before that Judge, whose sentence is eternal pleasure, or everlasting pain. Our holy watch must not be intermitted one moment, for every following moment is a grand uncertainty. There is no minute of life, no point of time, wherein I can say, " I shall not die ;" and therefore I should not dare to say, " This minute I will take a short slumber." What if my Lord should summon me whilst he finds me sleeping ? His command cannot be disobeyed, the very call and sound of it divides me from flesh and blood, and all that is mor- tal, and sends me at once, into the eternal world ; for it is an almighty voice. Remark IV. As it is a foolish and dangerous thing, for any of the sons and daughters of men, to presume upon long life, and neglect their watch; so "persons undersome peculiar circumstances, are eminently called to be ever- wakeful." Give me leave here to reckon up some ofthem, and make a particular address to the persons concerned. I. Is your constitution of body weak and feeble ? You carry then a perpetual warning about you, never to indulge sinful drowsiness. Every languor of nature assures you, that it is sinking to the dust : every pain you feel should put you in mind, that the pains of death are ready to seize you : You are tottering upon the very c 2