( 394 ) DISCOURSE IV. CHRIST ADMIRED AND GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS. 2 ThESS. i. to. When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to beadmired in all them that believe. HOW mean and contemptible soever our Lord Jesus Christ might appear heretofore on earth, yet there is a day coming, when he shall make a glorious figure in the sight of men and angels. How little soever the saints may be esteemed in our day, and look poor and despi- cable in an ungodly world, yet there is an hour approach -. ing, when they shall be glorious beyond all'imagination, and Christ himself shall be glorified in them. In that day shall the Lord our Saviour be the object of adoration and wonder, not only among those of the sons of men, that have believed on him, but before all the intellectual creation, and that, upon the account of his grace, mani- fested in believers. The natural enquiry that arises here, is this, " What particular instances of the grace of Christ, in his saints, shall be the matter of our admira- tion, and his glory, in that day?" To this I shall pro- pose an answer under the followingparticulars. First, It is a matter of pleasing wonder, " that per- sons, of all characters, should have been united in one faith, and persuaded to trust in the same Saviour, and ,embrace the same salvation ; for some, of all sorts, shall stand in that blessed assembly. Then it shall be a fruitful 'spring of wonder and glory, that men, ofvarious nations and ages, of different tempers, capacities, and interests, of contrary educations and contrary preju- 'dices, should believe one gospel, and trust in one deli- verer from hell and death : That the sprightly, the stu- dious and the 'stupid, the wise and the foolish, should relish and rejoice in the same sublime truths, not only concerning the true God, but also concerning Jesus, the redeemer; that the barbarian and the Roman, the Greek and the Jew should approve, and receive the same doc- trines of salvation, that they should come into the same