38 HOLY FORTITUDE, &C. [SEAM. XXXII. me in the heaviest distresses, though all the sorrows I fear should come upon me. I-Ie can bear me on the wings of faith and hope, high above all the turmoils and disquietudes of life : He tan carry me through the sha- dow of the dark valley, and scatter all the terrors of it. Give me, OLord, these wings of faith and hope, and bear me upon them through ail the remains of my short journey in the wilderness : Make me active and zealous in thy cause while I live, and convey me safely above the reach of fear, through the valley of death, to the inhe- ritance prepared for me in the land of light. Then my fears shall cease for ever, for enemies and dangers are not known in that land. There all our conflicts shall be changed into everlasting triumphs, while songs of ho- nour and salvationascend in a full choir to the grace that has made us overcomers. Amen. HYMN FOR SERMON XXXII. HOLY FORTITUDE, OR REMEDIES AGAINST FEAR. LONG METRE. I call the daysof old to mind, When I have found my God was kind ; My heav'nly friend is stili the saine ; Salvation to his holy name. Great God, preserve my conscience clean, Wash me fromguilt, forgive my sin : Thy love shall guard me from surprise, Though threat'ning dangers round use rise. WHEN tumults of unruly fear Rise in my heart, and riot there, What shall Ido to calmmy breast, And get the vexing foe supprest? What power can these wild thoughts con- . troul, This ruffling tempest ofthe soul ? Where shall I fly in this distress, But te the throne of glorious grace? My faith would seize some promise, Lord; There's power and safety in thy word : Not all that earth or hell can say, Shall.tempt or drive my soul away. When fear like a wildocean raves, Let Jesus walk upon the waves, And say, " 'tis I:" that heavenly voice Shall sink the storm, and raise myjoys.