Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

59.4 THE NATURE OF THE PUNISHMENTS IN HELL. [DISC.XIr. ter groans of ghosts would you hear, not only oppressed and agonizing under the wrath of a righteous God, but also under the insults of cruel devils ? As " there is joy among the angels of heaven when a sinner repents ;" Luke xv. 10'. or when a soul arrives safely at those blessed mansions ; so when a rebellious and obstinate criminal is sent down to, hell, you would hear the triumphs of those 'malicious spirits over him, with the voice of insulting pride and hellish joy And while they domineer over you, and tear you as roaring lions, who seek a,id teartheir prey, you kill curse yourselves a thou, sand times for Hearkening to their deceitful allurements. Ì'ou, will vent-your rage against yourselves at the same time that they s eff at you as eternal fools, who have lost a God, and a heaven; and immortal happiness, by your own madness and folly in hearkening to their temptations. II. " The mutual upbraidings of fellow-sinners and fellow sufferers' among the children of men, will.aggra- vate your wretchedness day and night without end." Those who drew each other into four iniquities, shall fill the ears of each ether with loud and sharp reproaches for their mutual influence on both theirruin, and shall charge their damnation, and all their heavy sorrows, as a heavy load on each other's souls. Sorne of those who have been joined in the nearest- ties of kindred and friend= ship, while they dwelt in flesh and blood, shall be the terrible instruments of their keenest remorse and vexa- tion. and teaze their spirits with endless upbraidings. Here the sons of pride, that most hateful iniquity, shall he overwhelmed with huge mortification and disdain : The mighty sinner shall be insulted by the meanest of the croud, and princes shall be bearded and affronted by those gay slaves of the court, whom they once employed in flattering and adoring them, They were once vain enough to believe, they were something more than mor- tal ; but now they are spurned by those flatterers with a foot of contempt, and their eternal pride still swelling, gives their own hearts new stings and twingesat every re- -sentrnent. None but a proud and haughty creature here in this world, who has sometimes met with scorn and in- sult from his inferiors, can speak feelingly of the exqui- site sensibility of these torments of soul in hell. But besides this, there are -rihany sinners who lived in