Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

DISC. XIi.] THE NATURE OF ThE PUNISHMENTS IN HELL. 599 pent, or with burning firebrands. The serpent has many gay and pleasing colours on its skin, and appears a very charming creature, which tempts children and fools to play with it : And the same ignorance inclines them sometimes . to sport with fire, 'because of its shining brightness : And till they are burned with the fire, or bit by the serpent, they will not forsake their foolish choice, nor be convinced of their danger : Such is the ease and temper of sinful mortals : Their senses indulge the pleas. ing flatteries of sin, and are fond of its tempting amuse- ments, till they feel the smart of the fire raging in their bosoms, and the adder stings them to death. Thus the ,wise man desçribes the flatteries of wine in the view of the drunkard ; Prov. xxiii, 31, 32. But the same wise man pronounces every one a fool that.makes a mock at sin, or trifles with so formidableamischief;" Prov. xiv. 9. " How vain are the gay fancies of sinful men in the hour of temptation, and how shocking .and dreadful will be their disappointment? They think the descriptions of sin, which are blown up and kindled into such terror by the lips of the preacher, are but as mock fire which ne- ver burns; but the great day of vengeance which makes haste towards them, will terribly and eternally convince them of the fatal mischief of it by the various plagues that shall seize upon them. The living worm shall gnaw their consciences, and the fire of God will torment their spirits, and spread a raging anguish through their whole natures ; and every twinging accent of their pain shall teach them, but with a terrible and hopeless conviction, what unspeakable evil is contained, in sin They will then find what a fearful thing it is to. fall into the hands of the living God, who has a right,. and power, and will to punish ;'' He&. x. 3I. " O that each of us might arrive at this holy wisdom, to learn the dreadful evil of sin from this bible, thisbook of the divine law and grace, And not, provoke the blessed God to teach us so necessary a lesson by the' rod of his vengeance ! 'O that we could look upon every unlawful action, and partieularlyevery sin against conscience, as the seed of that worm which will gnaw our souls in hell -with intense pain, as part of that'fewel which is kindling into a flame to torment our consciences for ever and that under the powerful influences of ti3ese representa- `t Q4