SOS THE ETERNAL DURATION OF' [DISC. XIII. by his glorious undertaking, if we will stretch out the powers of our souls, and survey the lengths, and the breadths, and the depths of this distress .and misery which we have deserved, this will discover to us the heights, and the depths, and the lengths of his love, who submit- ted himself to, the curses of the law of God, and was made a curse for us, that he might redeem us to the pos- session of an eternal blessing ;' Gal. iii. 13. This will shew us what exceeding riches of the grace of God, have been laid out upon us for our salvation. This will spread before us the unmeasurable love of Jesus, which has brought him down from the bosom of his Father, into . such agonies as he sustained -in the garden, and on the cross, that he might rescue us from the wrath to come. Owhat immense and endless debts of gratitude and love are due from every ransomed sinner, who has been released from the bonds of his guilt, and from all this wretchedness, by the love of God the Father, and the grace of his Son Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and honour, and most exalted praise, for ever and ever." Amen. DISCOURSE XIII. THEETERNAL DURATION OFTHE PUNISHMENTS IN HELL. nsec ix. 46. Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. SECTION I. Arguments to prove the perpetuity of Hell. WHEN HE the great and blessed God had a mind to make known his wisdom, his power, and his goodness amongst creatures; he built this world as a theatre, in which those perfections of his nature might be displayed amidst the various works of his hands : He spread it round with the blessings of life and pleasure, he over-hung it with a ca- nopy of skies and stars, and placed the glories bodies of the sun and moon there to appear in their alternate tea-