Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

814 1 } E ETERNAL DURATION OF [D1WC. X111. possible expectation can there be for such criminals, but an everlasting continuance of the fiery indignation ? Here it will be replied, but why should we suppose, and much more, why should we affirm, the damned will never repent? Are they not free in the other world from this flesh and blood, wherein there are so many unruly passions and appetites ? Are they not far remote from all the temptations of flesh and sense, of intemperance, am- bition, and covetousness? Have they not understanding to see divine truths more clearly than in this world ? Have they not reason to distinguish good and evil, and free- will to chuse that which is good ? Will they not hate all sin, since they have been so long taught the mischief of sin by their sufferings ? And is there any thing fitter than their agonies and torture by fire, to make men know avid feel the dreadful evil of sinning against God, and awaken them to repentance ? To this I answer, let us judge a little concerning the sinners in hell, by the practice of sinners on earth. How many wretched creatures are there who have been long imprisoned, and perhaps punished for crimes against the state, and yet persist in their rebellious temper, and are never convinced they were in the wrong, so far as to Change their treason into sincere submission, repentance and obedience? Was not Pharaoh, king of Egypt, an instance of the stubbornness and impenitence of human nature, when in opposition to ten dreadful plagues be would still pursue the flying Israelites, and destory a people beloved of God? Is not hardness and enmity against the governor often increased by the severe pu- nishments that criminals lie under? Have these punish- ments any sufficient power to soften their hearts into true repentance? What though they do not live in the midst of sensual temptations, yet who knows how far their spirits, having been immersed in flesh and blood, may carry with them inward raging appetites to those sinful sensualities and defiling pleasures, of which they are for ever deprived ? Let me ask again, have the devils ever repented in al- most six thousand years? Are they not the same enemies to God, and his glory, and his image through all ages ? And though the damned spirits of men are absent from this world, and their evil companions on earth, yet are