Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.2

oeERM XXXIII. THE UNIVERSAL RULE OF EQUITY. $.2 differ from me in his sentiment, as I have to differ from ,him. If this rule did but prevail amongst all that own the,christian name ; then truth, honesty and justice, meek ,ness and love would reign and triumph through all the churches of Christ, and those vile affections and prat tices of pride, envy, wrath, cruelty; backbiting, and per- secutionNvould be banished for ever from amongst us. IX. It is .not only a rule, of equity and love to direct our whole conduct toward our neighbours in the social life, but it is also a rule of the highest prudence with re- gard to ourselves ; and it promotes our own interest in the best manner : For if we make conscience of treating our neighbours according to all the justice and tenderness that this rule will incline us to, we may reasonablyexpect the same kind and tender treatment from those that are round about us. Such a practice will naturally engage the greatest part of mankind on our side, whensoever we happen to be assaulted or oppressed, by the sons of malice or violence. Happy is that person who has gained the love of mankind, by making the love of himselfa rule and 4' measure of his actions towards them, and bas piously.fol- lowed that precept of the law of God, " Love thy neigh- bour as thyself." Let us remember that we live in a changeable world, and the scenes oflifeare continually shifting. I_am now a master, and in possession of riches, and if I treat my servant, or any poor man insolently, I may expect the like insolent treatment if mycircumstances sink, and re- duce me to a state of poverty or service. But if Hollow this golden rile of our Saviour, in treating my inferiors, I do, as it were, hoard up for myself a treasure of merit and benevolence amongst men,' which I may hope to re- ceive and taste of, in the day of my necessity and distress. Thus in behaving myself toward others according to this holy rule of friendship, I not only please and obey my God and my Saviour, but I happily secure my temporal interests also. X. In the .last place, to mention no more, This rule is fitted tomake the whole world as happy as the present state of things will admit: It is not to be described nor conceived what amultitude of blessings and felicitip the practice of this single precept would introduce among all mankind, E