56 THE UNIVERSAL RULE OF EQUITY. [SEAM.' XXXIII. treat our fellow-creatures; but we ask our lust and our passions, we enquire not of our ambition -and pride, our covetousness, our 'wrath and revenge, how we should behave towards others. Reflect,, -O my soul, how often thou hast turned aside from. this blessed rule of thy Saviour, by consultingwith the corrupt principles of flesh and blood. How often hast thou neglected this holy precept, to follow the vici- ous customs of a sinful world, and a'degenerate age ! A degenerate age indeed, that has forgot the practice of truth and love ! Where shall we write this rule in large and golden letters, that the whole city might read it daily ? Shall we engrave it on every door, that all who pass by may see it ? Shall it stand fixed to every post of the house, that it may direct all your domestic conduct? Shall it meet us at the entrance of every shop, and thus guard our traffic from iniquity, and sanctify all our com- merce ? Shall wemake a philacteryof it, andwear it on the borders of our garments, that we may never put it off, unless we lie down to sleep, and cannot act ? But the Spirit of Christ is the best' writer of his own golden rule, and the heart of man is the best table to receive and hear this writing. O that the Holy Spirit woùld write this sacred law of justice and love more deeply, more effectually in all our hearts, . that the religion of our Saviour might look like itself, all amiable and holy; and that while we give glory to God on high, for his saving grace, we might 'find peace and truth spreading through all the earth, and good-will multiplied among the children, of men. Thus the will of God would be done On: earth, as it is in heaven, and the kingdom of our Redeemer come in its expected glory. Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus.