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66 THE ATONEMEN OF CHRIST.. [sE>3.m. xx:tIV. the children of Israel were laid on the head of the goat of old, by the cópfession and, hand of Aaron," Lev. xvi. 21. When the guilt was thus transferred to him, as far as. it was possible for the Son of God to sustain it, he then, became liable to punishment ; and indeed that seems tá me to be the truest and justest idea of transferred or imputed guilt, viz. \vlien a surety is accepted to suffer in the room of the offender, then the pain or penalty is, due to him by consent : And as this is the true original and foundation of expiatory sacrifices, as I have shewnt before, so this seems to be the foundation of that parti- cular manner, wherein scripture teaches us this doctrine,: IIe that knew no sin, was made sin for us, that we. might be made the righteousness of God in him," 2 Cor., His own self bore our sins in his own body on, the _tree," 1 Pet. ii. 24. " The chastisement or punish- ment ofour peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed," Is. lüi. 5, And in many other places of scripture we read the same sort of language. This doc- trine is supportedwithgreat strength, by the most learned. and pious Dr. Owen, in his short treatise of the satisfac- tion of Christ. Upon this account, though God the Father was never truly angry, with his beloved Son, yet it " pleased the Father to bruise him, when he stood in the room, of guilty creatures. The Father himself put him to grief, and made his.soul an offering for sin," Is. liii. 10. Then, the SO of God began to be sore amazed, and very heavy. at the approaching deluge of this sorrow, Mark xiv. SS. The Father forsook him for aseason, withdrew his comfortable influences, and gave him some such ex- quisite sight and sense of that indignation and wrath that, was due to sin, as filled his holy soul with anguish, " his. soul was exceeding sorrowful even unto death," Mat. xxvi. SS. while his body sweat drops of blood in the gar- den: And at last he poured out his soul to death, and. " gave his life a ransom for many : he reconciled, us to G_ od by the blood of his cross," Col. i. 20. Though we allow the human nature of Christ to be the. highest, the noblest, and best of creatures, and in that sense might be worth ten thousand of us; yet if sin has an,infinite evil in it, then no mere creature, by all his,