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78 THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST. DERV. XNXV, Thence ive may reasonably infer, that these external de- filements of the body, did typify and. represent the moral: and sinful pollutions of the soul ; and consequently, that the external and corporeal forms of atonement and pur- gation were chiefly designed. as types and figures of the blood of Christ, which was a real propitiation for the sins of the soul. Third Consideration. - --The most exact and happy resemblance and conformity, between the method of atonement by the priesthood and- sacrifice of Christ, and the appointed rite of the levitical priesthood and atone- ment, very naturally leads us to suppose, that one was designed to figure out and foretel the other; especially since the scripture gives us such frequent hints of it. The great God, to whom all his own works are known from the beginning of the world, had the sacrifice and priesthood of his Son Jesus ever in his eye, when he or- dained the Jewish forms of atonement. He kept in view. the blood of Christ, which was to be shed for our sins, when he appointed the shedding of the blood ofbulls and goats. He kept in view Jesus the high- priest, who was hereafter to enter into heaven in the virtue of his own blood, when he appointed Aaron to go into the holy place, the figure of the true, with the blood of the yearly expiation. He kept in view the merit of Christ's death, which was to be applied to our souls and consciences by faith, when he appointed the people to be sprinkled with the blood of the sacrifices : And therefore the blood of Christ is called the blood of sprinkling; Heb. xii. 24. And when he ordained the morning and evening lamb for a continual burnt-offering, he pointed, though afar off, to the - Messiah, the Lamb of God, that must take away the sins of men: These resemblances might be shewn in a multitude of other instances; but I cannot omit this one, viz. As the killing of the beast was designed to hold forth the violent and .bloody death of Christ, the great sacrifice ; so the don or remission is the thing sought ; " for without shedding of blood is no remission." It is plain therefore, that to a guilty and defiled soul or conscience, every thing is defiled ; as Tit. i. 15. But when both the people and their sacred utensils were sprinkled with blood, it denotes, that all things are sanctified and pure; so those whose souls partake of the atonement of Christ, and whpse sins are remitted through his bloody death.