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SERI. VII.] CHRISTIAN BAPTISM. 101 the Father, for the cleansing us both from the guilt and from the principle of sin by the blood of Christ, and the operation of his Spirit : And I take this to be one reason why we are baptized in the naine of the Father, as the au- thor of theseblessings, and ofthe Son and Spirit, as divine . mediums to procure and convey them. 3. The next thing implied in christian baptism is a " humble acceptance of these blessings in the inethód of God's own appointment ; that is, by repentance for sin in the sight of God, by faith in Jesus Christ his Son, and by seeking the influences of the Holy Spirit, and obeying them." When we come under this ordinance, we do as it were by way of action andemblem consent to accept of this purification, both from the guilt and principle of sin ; we repent and are ashamed of our past iniquities? we trust in Jesus Christ and his atonement for pardon; we declare our desire to become new and holy creatures, by the cleansing and purifying power of the Spirit of God in the gospel; and therefore when per- sons professed their belief in Christ, and repentance Of their sins, they were baptized ; and those who were sin- cere were inwardly cleansed from their defilements, and received both these blessings. See 1 Cor. vi. 11. when the apostle had been reckoning up many vile pollutions of the inhabitants of Corinth before their conversion, " and such were some of you, saith he, but ye are washed in baptism as a token and seal that you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and sanctified by the Spi- rit of our God." Faith and repentance were the great things required of those who were admitted to baptism This was the practice of John, this the practice of the apostles in the history of their ministry. Did John the forerunner of Christ preach " the baptism ofrepentance for the remission of sins ?" Mat. iii. 2, 8. so. St. Peter, Acts ii. 38. Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins." Did John call them to `° believe in Jesus who should come after him ?" Acts xix. 4. So Philip the evangelist saith to the eunuch, If thou believest with all thy heart, that is," in Jesus as the Son of God, thou mayest be baptized ; Acts viii. 37. He answered, I believe : and Philip baptized him. And here the sacred names of Father, Son and Spirit H3