Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

DISC. S.] EXAMINED AND ESTABLTSMED. pjg cerely to this all - sufficient Saviour, and can apply these consolations to themselves, which, are written in 1 Cur. xv. in many glorious and comfortable expressions. Third observation. Paul would not have affirmed Jesus Christ, who was dead, to be alive again, without very good proof of it. Here these two things Are to be considered, or .en- quired : 1. Why Paul would not'have affirmed it without just grounds. 2. What particular reasons Paul had to believe-it, or what good proof he had of it. Enquiry the first. Why Paul would not have .affirmed it without just grounds. These are some of the consi- derations to make this evident. viz. 1. He was a man ofgood natural parts, ofgreat saga- city as well as good learning, and he could not so easily have been imposed upon in a thing of that importance, which was done in his owncountry, and the chiefcity of it, in his own day and time, and when he had abundant opportunities to have searched into the truth or false- hood thereof, and his whole nation was set upon . the search and severest scrutiny into it. Now that he was a man of parts and knowledge, .the good sense and reasoning which appears in his writings, sufficiently testify this character. He was a young man when he was converted,. and he was brought up in Jerusalem, at the feet of Gamaliel : He must have great opportunities of enquiring concern- ing the history of the life, doctrine, and the death of Christ, and of the report of his resurrection, among his Own countrymen. . He seems to be a very sincere and faithful honest man : This his whole conduct shews, if we consider : He appears to have an honest zeal for his religion whilst he was a pharisee, as well as afterward ; diligently and openly pursuing what he professed: no flaw was found. in his morals ; No charge of hypocrisy ; Acts xiii. 1. I have lived in all good conscience before God, until this day. or are his morals impeached by his worst ad- versaries. 3. He was once a fierce and violent enemy to Jesus, Christ, and his name, and his gospel, and his followers L4