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brsc. III.} LAW AND T'HE GOSPEL. 175 '3. Let us come to positive laws, i. e. such rites, and forms, or ceremonies, as are appointed by the mere free- will of God, for particular purposes ; such as sacrifices, circumcision, washings, baptism, the Lord's-supper, &c. These cannot justifyus, because it is not in the power of any positive rites or ceremonies we can perform, to make up for the neglect of moral duties, or the violation of moral commands.. They were never given for this end, nor appointed for this purpose. Heb. x. 1, 2, 4. It is not possible that the blood of bulls andgoats should take away sins. Nor can circumcision cut off the vices of the heart. Nor can anybaptismwash us fromour spiritual defilements. Nor can the Lord's-supper give us spiritual life and nourishment. It is not outward ptrformances.of any kind can stand instead of real holiness, much less can they answer for our past iniquities. No law of commandments, written in ordinances, can give righte- _ousness and life to a sinful creature; for they were never ordained for that end. Quest. What were they ordained for then? Answ. 1. To shew us what sinful and defiled creatures we are, who have need of such washings, &c. and to give intimations that we are worthy of death, who need uch sacrifices by the death of so many living creatures, to make atonement for our sins, and to die in onr room? Answ. 2. To give some typical hints that there is grace tobe obtained of God, and there is a way for atone- ment for sin and salvation provided for sinful man. 4. The last reason why no laws can justify or save fallen man is this : viz. All laws, whether moral or po- sitive, may command, but they give no power to obey, and therefore cannot give life. It is the promise that gives life. It is the gospel and grace of God that en- ables us to obey the law, even so far as the best of men do obey it in this life. The law commands, but it gives no strength to obey ; Rom. v. 6. 1iyhea we werewithout strength Christ diedfor us, to obtain life and strength, to yield obedience to the law from principles of faith and love. It is the gospel that brings spirit and life with it, to incline our hearts to obey the law. Gal. iii. 2. 1?e- ceired ye the spirit by the works of the law, or by the ,hearing offaith ! Heb. viii. 10. This is the covenant that L will makeafter .thosedays, I will put my lace's into their mind, and write.them in their hearts.