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ISS THE DIFFERENCE EETWEAEN THE LAW, &C. (MSC. TV. and all óur salvation ! Even all our hopes of pardon and acceptance with God, as well as all our strength to do the will of God, and obey his law, so far as christians are enabled and, expected to do in this life. Let us fly from the law and its curses, and condemna- tion, to the refuge and hope which the gospel has set before us, and live there daily, by faith in the Son of God the Saviour ; for there only lies our safety from the wrath of God, and eternal destruction. Remark 5. What a glorious harmony will appear in the review ofall the dispensations of God at the last day, between the law and the gospel ! The lawwas the instru- ment of God's government of his creatures, and the rule of his justice, from the beginningof the world to the end : But thegospel is the instrument of his grace for our sal- vation. The law is the rule, guiding and teaching all the saints in the ways of holiness, convincing of sin, and condemn- ing all sinners, and driving them to seek refuge in grace : And the gospel is the noble and divine remedy, disco- vering that grace, whereby alone we can be saved. And why may not these sentiments, be part of our transporting and beatifying contemplations, in the hea- venly state It is generally agreed by our divines, that the various providences of the life and state we have past through in this world, whether they have been painful or pleasant, shall be the matter of our delightful review and meditation ; especially so far as they have been the hap- py means of our sanctification, and our preparation, for the final blessedness of the heavenly state. I am well assured, there will be abundant matter of joy and thankfulness, found in these different dispensa- tions of God, in his bringing many sons to glóry; and there will be ample' instances of his providential care, and glorious examples of his righteousness and his gr-ace, in a thousand particular transactions of the blessed God, and our Lord Jesus Christ his Son, with the children of his grace : And perhaps there shall be such discoveries made tó us, of the righteousness and the grace of God in his holy law and his gospel., among these divine transac- %ions, as will elevate our souls into higher raptures of gratitude and joy, and furnishtbur tongues with pleasant -and everlasting hallelujahs.