Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

DISC. VI.] THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST MANIFESTED. 2O1 pointed to offer up their prayers and praises unto God at these times of the morning and evening sacrifice, as the everlasting means of the acceptance of our morning and evening worship before God, making all our services acceptable to the great and blessed God in heaven hereby. Therefore when we come to lift up our morning wor- ship, or our evening addresses, to the throne, let us remember that Jesus, the Lamb who was slain, is there for .ever, making this new and living way to the throne plain, and keeping it always open by the virtue of his sacrifice. Let not a morning or evening pass,, without an address to heaven in this blood. 3d Lesson. This gives sufficient and perpetual notice of the everlasting intercession which Christ makes for the saints ; Heb. vii. 25. And therefore he is repre- sented, as " able to save to the uttermost all those that come unto God by him. There is no need of other high- priests to offer up daily sacrifices, since the one sacrifice of Jesus, the great High-priest, in the constant emblem of it, abides here before .the face of God, for ever; John i. 29. 1 John i. 7. Behold the Lamb of God, who, by his blood, cleanseth us from all sin. Is. i. 18. " Though our sins may be as scarlet," they shall all be washed away ; and our garments be as " white as snow," or made. white " as wool, and fit to appear before God continually, without blemishes and defilement, through this abounding fountain, which may be said to flow for ever from the wounds of Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice; since it is in and by this,blood, our High- priest may be supposed for ever to plead with the Father for our pardon and acceptance : For the intercession of Christ is scarcely revealed unto us, as carried on by the actual voice or language of Jesus the Son of God in heaven ; but perhaps it rather means the everlasting virtue and efficacy of his sacrifice, as his blood, which has a voice in it, even as " a fountain, always open and flowing in thesight of God, for the forgiveness of sins; Zec. xiii. 1. . for all the true Israel of God : And in this sense, the blood of Jesus, as is elsewhere said concerning "the blood ofAbel" has a voice in it, and pleads for ever for better things than the blood of Abel did ; Heb. xii. 24. Glory be to God for providing this everlasting sacrifice,