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1 DÌSc, v71- THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST MANIFESTED. 203 or reckon up, but evenf rom presumptuous sins, which are of the deepestdie ; Mark. iii. 28. " All manner of sins and blasphemies, says our Saviour, " shall be for- given unto men." Look up to this blessed emblem, and you shall find this salvation complete and perfect, and your consciences pacified, under the agonies of your own guilty reflections, through the blood of Jesus,, who died. 6th Lesson. This emblem of a dying sacrifice is also a refuge, a support, and a hope for saints, under the continual workings of original sin, under their daily in- firmities, under every new temptation, and the buffet- ings and charges of Satan, who is " the accuser of the brethren ;" Rev. xii. 10. The armies of the saints have continually experienced thevirtue of this sacrifice, for in all ages they cast down this accuser by the blood of the Lamb ; and here is their great refuge, under all the vio- lent and repeated suggestions and accusations ofthe great enemy of God and souls : Here is indeed a -sweet pillow for the souls of those who have been guilty of long ini= quities, to rest their penitent and pained consciences, by faith upon, in a dyinghour; Heb. xiii. 8. " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever : And the virtue of his atonement always fresh in the eye of God. Is there any poor soul here, whose conscience is buf- feted and sorely tormented with hurrying temptations, and doubts whether their repeated sins shall be par- donedor no ? Go into the secret chambers of retirement and repentance, whither the saints before you have gone, and sighed, and wept bitterly, before God, and mourned over their sins before the throne. Ask christians of long experience, 'whence came all their peace, and their hopes offreedom from the guilt ofsin? And theywill answer with one voice, it is from the blood of the Lamb. It would overwhelmthe conscience to havea full sight ofthese trans- gressions let in upon it, in all their terror and their dread ful condemnation, if they had not such a refuge as this to fly to. O blessed for ever be the name of Jesus, who has given us, in his word, such a sight, such a gracious vi- sion of hope and comfort ! And a blessed vision it is, for the ,poor humble sinner to take a look at daily, with an eye of faith. 7th Lesson, This vision is appointed as an evidence,