Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

206 THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST MANIFESTED. [DISC. vr. Christ, are beyond, the reach of our present conception, and beyond all the powers of number to reckon up, and the force of eloquence to display. 2d Instance of the extent óf it. It reaches through all the tribes of mankind, through all cóuntries and nations, through all families and persons, both Jew and gentile, to the ends of the earth. Our Saviour prophecies, that, " if he be lifted from the earth," that is, crucified, and die as an atoning sacrifice, " he shall draw all men unto him ;" John xii. 3Q. So in Rev. v. 9, and vii. 9. men ofall nations, and of all languages, ofall countries, and all ages, shall be found in this blessed number, who are redeemed by the blood of Christ, and join in the ever- lasting songof praise "tohim that sitteth upon the throne, and to the lamb for ever." 3d Instance of the extent of it. This doctrine of the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world, reaches through all the transactions of God with the children-of men. It begins as high as creation itself ; thousands of mankind were at first created for this reason, that they might in time be joined to this blessed army, and rejoice and triumph in " the Lamb that was slain :" Jt reaches throughall the.redemption of Christ, for sinful nien were redeemed by the blood of Christ for this very purpose : for this purpose they were called and con- verted from the wicked of the earth ; and turned from sin to God, that they might for ever be made glorious in hold-' Hess. It is through this death of Christ, the sonof God, that they are all justified and brought into the divine favour: Theyare all sanctified by his Holy Spirit, under this in- fluence, and adopted into the family of God, to become the younger brethren of Jesus, the first begottenof the Father. And when God fulfils this salvation in heaven, it will appear what multitudes of fallen ruined creatures are recovered and saved, by this atonement of the Lamb. 4th Instance of the extent of it. I may add further, all the mercies and blessings that are bestowed upon tnei through time and eternity : I might add,, whether these' blessings are national or personal, yet our . Lord Jesus Christ, in our nature, dying on the cross has some hand, by the exuberant merit of his sacrifice, in procuring and s #. accomplishing all these purposes : The grace of Christ, while we keep our eye on the united godhead, has some