Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

DISC. VI.] THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST MANIFESTED. Q07 hand in all the temporal favours, and even the national mercies, even of those who refuse to receive the special and everlasting blessings of his grace ; besides all the consolations and thejoys which the saints are partakers ofhere on earth, from their first calling to their glorifica- tion,' must have some regard to this great sacrifice, ever fresh in the eye of God. .5th Instance of the extent of it. This salvation spreads through and beyöñd all the sins that ever we commit- ted, from the beginning of life to this day ; and beyond even all the miseries that mankind ever sustained by their original fall, and apostacy fromGod ; had they all received thisgrace, it is enough to balance them all. Ia the dignity of the divine nature, united to the man Jesus, there is provision enough to answer for all this abound- ing iniquity, and price sufficient to buy all the blessings that God ever bestowed upon his fallen creature man, and sufficient pardon and happiness for all the sinners that are willing to submit to the grace of God, and re- ceive these blessings in his own appointed way: It is only impenitence, and rejection of the gospel, hinders the universal effect of it. O amazing and blessed extent of this salvation ! 6th Instance of the extent of it. I add, in the . last place, the doctrine of the salvation of the Lamb of God, slain from the beginning of the world, carries a glory through all the perfections and attributes of God him- self, which- might be discovered at large in a survey of the several glories of his nature, hisjustice, and wisdom,, his power and his truth, his grace and goodness, in the salvation of fallen men : there is never a perfection:of God that is honoured, but it is in and by this blessed me- dium, the death and mediation of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. IL Rem. How necessary, how solid, and important, is this doctrine of the salvation of Christ, by the atone- ment of the Lamb ! It is not a mere matter of specula- tion, amusement, and discourse ; but it is of infinite concernment to men to be acquainted with it; John xii. 27. For the purposes and designs of this hour, even of the atonement and: death of Christ, the Lord Jesus, the Lamb ofGod, came into this world:: This might be illustrated also in marry particulars ; as, 5