Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

SERM. I.] NATURAL RELIGION, ITS USES AND DEFECTS. 17 and his salvation.. Let us say within ourselves, and why was not I born a poor ignorant African, a wild Indian, ignorant of God,' and averse to seek after him, and without any person near me to give me one beam of light, and point out my way to happiness ? Why was not I left merely to the dumb and silent lectures of the heavens, and the earth and sea, or the instruction of the trees, and plants and beasts of the earth, to teach me the knowledge of him that made me? Who am I, that I should be brought into being in the midst ofsun- beams, and not in a Tegion of thick darkness under the shadow of death? Everlasting glory be given to distinguishing grace. O how should we value the bible as our highest trea- sure, which gives .us such blessed discoveries of God, and his wisdom and power, and his mercy in Christ; which infinitely exceeds all the doubtful twilight of na- ture, and our own powers of reasoning. O may the blessed bible lie next our heart,' and be the companion of our bosoms ! It is this lays a sure foundation for our recovery from all our guilt, and ruin and wretchedness. You that have any concern for your eternal interests, love the bible, walk by the rules of it, and live upon its promised grace ; and I dare pronounce, in the name of God and his Son, that you shall be for ever happy. Reflection IV. Pity and pray for the heathen world, the dark corners of the earth, the benighted nations, where the Sun of Righteousness never rose, and where they can but feel after God through the mists of igno- rance and error. Let us remember those ancient times when our forefathers in this nation were led away into the same errors and gross idolatries, and exercise our compassion toward those who are still left under the same darkness. Now and then, O christians, send a pathetic sigh over the nations, lift up one compassionate groan to heaven for them, and say, " When shall the day come, O Lord, that the heathens shall become thy worshippers, and AssyriaandEthiopia thy people? When wilt thou reveal thyself to the poor African idolaters, and the savage tribes of America, that knòw not God ? When shall the ends of the earth learn to know thee, and re- ,nice in Jesus thy Son the Saviour ? When shall all nations, people and languages, begin their songs of " Sal- VOL. III. C