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bise, xrr.] EkTRAORDIN,tRY WITIPESB OP THE SPIRtT. 289 III. Shew how it may be distinguished from delusions of Satan, and from the mere ferments and vivacity of animal nature, or a disordered fancy. IV. Represent some other characters of it, and shew wherein it differs from the ordinary witness of the Spirit. And then V. Conclude with a few directions relating to it. I. I,et me offer some proofs that there issuch an ex- traordinary witness of the Spirit. Now that this is not the language of wild enthusiasm, or a mere fantastic notion of the brain, will appear from these few considerations : I. The great God, the Father of spirits, can reveal a truth to the mind of his creature, with such life, and power, and evidence, that the mind cannot dissent from it, or refuse to believe it; the overpowering light may be so divine and convincing, that the creature may be fully and justly persuaded it is a divine truth. Those who be- lieve the prophets and apostles divinely inspired, can have no reasonable doubt about this proposition. IId Consideration. It has pleased the great and blessed God togive such immediate assurance of his own love to some of his favourites of old, by visions and voices, and the message of angels, and by inward im- pressions on their minds by his own Spirit. Thus Abra- ham was assured that God was his God, and would be " his exceeding great reward ;" Gen. xv. I. Thus con- cerning Moses, it was made known that he was the " friend of God ;" Eì. xxxiii. 11. Thus Daniel, was often informed that he was a man greatly beloved ;" Dan. ix. 23. and x. 11, 19. Mary Magdalene, and some others, who conversed with Christ, when he was here oil earth, had a particular assurance that their sins were forgiven them. Paul was assured that he was a chosen Vessel. And indeed, all the apostles had sufficient evi- dence of their acceptance with God, and their interest in the love of Christ, by the extraordinary communica- tions of the Holy Ghost. It is the opinion of a late ingenious writer, that not only the apostles themselves, but even all the primitive christians, that were truly con- verted by their ministry, received these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost in some degree; which did not only witness to the christian religion, but to the comfort vol.. IIr. ü