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SOO; EXTRAORDINARY WITNESS OE THE SPIRIT. DISC. Xtr.. sudden, the other is more durable ; this is only a cordial to encourage us in an hour of danger, or support us in a fainting season ; the other is our common food, and our daily refreshment. It has been said of this favour ; it is rara hora,_brecis mora : A visit seldom bestowed, and of short 'continuance. 3." The ordinary witness of the Spirit of God with our spirits, proving our regeneration and adoption in a rational way, may in some measure be .made out to ethers; but the extraordinary witness of the Spirit is like the " white stone of absolution, and the new name writ- ten in it ;" Rev. ii.. 17. which none knows but he that receives it. It is like hidden manna, with which God, at special seasons, may feed his children in secret. 4. The extraordinary witness of the Spirit fills the soul with great and exceeding joy, and brings it, as it were, within the confines of heaven; It is " joy unspeak- able, and glorified ;" as the apostle Peter calls it; 1 .Pet. i. 8. The other maintains the soul in such a degree of peace, comfort, and well-grounded hope, as carries the christian onward through the difficulties and duties of life, though without such raptures of inward joy. There is an unknown sensation of heavenly light and love, which runs through the spirit of a christian, under such extra- ordinary assurances ofdivine love ; and it has been with a saint at such a time as it was with Peter in the mount,, when he said, " Lord, it is good for us to be here ;" Mat. xvii. 4. When he was overwhelmed with revela- tion and pleasure, such a soul has felt more than feeble nature was able to bear, and has cried out, " it is enough, Lord ; or, it is too much for a state offlesh and blood ; Lord, either withhold thy comforts, or enlarge the vessel; for I cannot bear these joys. 51'This extraordinary witness of the Spirit doth not belong to every saint. Many a christian, it may be, passes the whole course of his life, and practises a regu- lar faith and holiness for many years, without this excess ofjoy, this assurance of God's love. Believers are ge nerally led on in a rational way of evidence and hope;. and walking in the paths of holiness, having good hope through grace, hold fast an humble confidence unto the end. The extraordinary witness is exceeding rare and -uncommon, at least in our days.