THE POWERS AND CONTESTS OF FLESH AND SPIRIT. 339 miserable, if there were no other possible way of es- cape. Besides, it is part of their design also in popery, to make some sort of atonement and satisfaction for past sins by these superstitious severities, which are so far from being acceptable to God in this sense, that they dishonour the blood of Christ, and will be abhorred of the Father. Some protestants run to another extreme, and because our religion is spiritual, therefore they neglect many due restraints of the flesh, and think to secure themselves from sin merely by the exercises of the mind, without due guard or care to keep the bodyunder proper disci- pline, in order to mortify the lusts thereof. They are reedy to imagine that this is too legal a way of mortifi- cation, that it detracts from the liberty and privilege of the christian state, to keep under the flesh by any such methods of self-government. But in opposition to these two extremes, the scripture seems plainly to lead us to a medium ; and the rules which may be drawn from the word of God, may be chie,fly comprised under these few heads : 1. Never dare indulge the craving of the flesh in any one sinful appetite or inclination ; much less " make pro- vision for it, to fulfil the lusts thereof;"Rom. xiii. 14. Here indeedyou should be well informed what is and what isnot sinful, and not bind the body to extravagant and unreason- able restraints, under a mistaken notion ofsin and duty. But whenyou are once uponjust grounds satisfied what is unlawful, then, if sinful neighbours, or ifsinful self " en- tice, consent thounot; for every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed ;" Prov. i. 10. James i. 14. Compliance with sin is the way to make sin strong: Every such indulgence gives it courage to demand more, and makes the inclinations grow into a confirmed habit. It is the character of the children of wrath, that they " fulfil the desires of the flesh ;" Eph. ii. 3. 2. Keep out of the way of temptation. Whatsoever place, company, diversion, or unnecessary business, you have found ready to provoke corrupt passion, avoid it as much as possible. Remove thy way afar off, and come not nigh the door of her house ;" Prov. v. 8. z