SECT. TEE IiAPPINE$$ OF SEPARA`Il'E Si'LRITS. If: I were to. branch it into .particulars, .I would game but these three, viz: 1. A great increase of knowledge without the ini<xture of error. Q. A glorious degree of holiness without ih.e mixture of .the least Con- stant peace and joy without the mixture of any sorrow or uneasiness.. Letuss conSider them distinctly; 1...A great increase of knowledge withoutthe mixture of error ¡; and in this sense it is perfect knowledge. Part of the happiness of spirits consists in contempla- tion.; and the more excellent the object is which we con- template, and the more perfect our acquaintance with it, the greater is our happiness. Therefore the-knowledge of God, the infinite and eternal Spirit, is the tree felicity of all the ranks of created spirits in the upper and lower worlds. What unknown and unrivalled beauties are con- tained in the attributes of leis nature ! What a heavenly pleasure it is, to lose ourselves amongst the boundless perfections of his self-sufficiency and eternal 'existence, his wisdom, his power, his justice, bis .holiness, his good- ness, and his truth! And what adivine.harmony amongst them all. How does'.the philosopher entertain and feast .himself with daily'discoveries of newwonders amongst the works of God, and .beholds the print of the hand of his Creator on them all ! What superior glories are seen' by the in- quiring christian amongst the ,greater wonders of his grate" and:he receives the discovery of-them with supe- rior delight, for his eternal life is in them. John xvii. 3. This is lijé eternal, that they might know thee theonly true Gorl,. aaad Jesus Christ whom thou just sent. To know the Father and the Son according to the revelation which they have given of,themselves in the gospel, is not only the way to obtain life eternal, and consequently the business of the saints below ; but the knowledge of this Seri and this Father in their natural glories, in their per- sonal characters, in their sublime and mysterious rela tions to each :other, and in their most amazing contri- vances and transactions for the recovery of lost sinners, may be matter 'of the most pleasing enquiry,'anddelieious contemplation to the anger themselves ; a 'Pet. 1. 12 These'are the things which the angels desire tò look into. And the spirits of thejust-made perfect are ettmployed in