Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

423 THE HAPPINESSOF SEPARATE SPIRITS. [DISC. II. of the saints. They are ever pointing to this glorious morning, as the season when they shall receive their re- ward and their prize, their promised joy and their crown; as-though all that they had received before in their state of separation, were hardly to be named in comparison of that more exceeding and eternal weight of additional glory. What newkinds of sensations shall entertain us in that day, what a rich variety of senses we shall enjoy, what 'well-appointed and immortal organs weshall be furnished with, instead of our present feeble eyes and ears, and . what glorious and transporting objects shall surround us in those unknown worlds, and fill the enlarged powers of the soul with sensible as well as intellectual delights; These are wonders too sublime even for our present con- jecture, and are all reserved in the counsels of God, to complete the final felicity of the saints. Thus we have made it appear, that the knowledge and joy that belongs to the spirits of the just made perfect,: may admit of large increase.* But can their holiness be increased too ? Can perfect holiness receive any improvement ? I will not assert any thing in this matter, lestthe man- ner ofexpression should offend weaker minds : But I de- sire leave to enquire, whether those who know most of God, dó not love him best ? Whether those who have the brightest and fullest visions of him, are not most transformed into his image, and made most nearly like to him? Now if the separate spirits inheaven are advanced to different degrees of divine, knowledge, may they not in this sense have different degrees of holiness too.? Is it not possible that one saint should love God more in- tensely than another, and be more impressed with his likeness, as he beholds more of his beauty? Is it not possible that a soul shall grow in the strength and fervor of its love and zeal for God, and be more exactly assimi- lated to him, as it gets nearer to God, and grows up into higher measures of acquaintance with him? Has not the angel Gabriel, the apostle Paul, and the glorified human nature of Christ in any respect more of holiness- or love, 4* There is a little treatise, called, The Future State, Displaying the Progressive Knowledge of the Blessed in Heaven, written by a country gentleman, published in 1633, wherein are many ingenious thoughts on this subject.