Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

T. v.) THE HAPPINESS OF SEPARATE SPIRITS. 44 other wiib notices of the affairs of-the tipper and lower worlds. Nor must we suppose stich sort of historical converse among the blessed spirits is merely designed tó fill the mind with new and strange ideas. This pleasure consi- dered by itself, is not sacred enough for the spirits of the just inade perfect. rere is not a narrative in the world, but shall disclose some wondrous instances of divinewis- dom or mercy, power or faithfulness, patience and for= giveness, or wrath and justice The speaker shall feel the workings of all proper reverence, zeal and love ; and every hearer shall be impressed withcorrespondent affec- tions, and join in adoration and holy wonder. And while we'speak of the means and advantages that glorified spirits enjoy for their improvement in all the parts of their felicity, surely we may expect the greatest and thebest assistances, even those of the Holy Spirit, to render all these means more effectual. Is he not pro= mised to " abide with us, to be in us, and dwell With us for ever ;" John xiv. 16, 17. Is he not represented as dwelling in the spirits of the just made perfect, when it is said, the Spirthat dwelleth in them shall raise their mortal bodies fro the dead ?" Rom. viii. 11. May we not then reasonably infer, that that glorious Spirit, whò bath been our enlightener, our comforter, and our sanc- tifier on earth, will be. our perpetual enlightener, our eternal sanctifier, and our everlasting comforter; Hè that bath so:wonderfully begun the divine work in ùs, land laid foundations of joy in knowledge and holiness, will he not finish and perfect his own work, and add the top- stone to crown the heavenly building? . O blessed state of spirits discharged from the prison of flesh and this world ! this wickedworld, where Satan the evil spirit has so wide a range, and so poisonous an iifiu- ence, and where 'sinful men swarm on every side, and bear the largest. sway ! What divine advantages are you 'possessed of, for the improvement of all your sacred excellencies .and joys ! When we can raise our thoughts a little, and survey your privileges, we feel somewhat of an inward wish to dwell among you, and send 'a breath- ing- meditation, or a glance of warmdesire towards your world and your society. We poor prisoner-spirits, when we hear such tidings from.the country at which you are