TH'E AbYAWTAGES bP HUÉITLITY rSECT.IV. Let no man think me a fool indeed ; but if you will think me so, then as a fool receive me, and permit me to proceed foolishly in this confidence of boasting : Are my rivals Israelites ? So am I : Are they ministers of Christ ? I speak as a fool, I am more In labours, in sufferings, in deaths, more abundant than all of them can ever pre- tend to. Boasting of one's self in the judgment of a great apostle is so foolish a thing, that when wisdom itself requires him to practise it, he is quite ashamed of it, and almost expects that he shall be taken for a fool. It is the sentiment of a very famous French author, Mr. Paschal, " that true philosophy teaches men to be humble, to conceal self, to banish the word I, for the most part, out of our conversation ; but christianity and the gospel have nullified and destroyed it." Yet, alasl what would some persons have to say in company, if you cut off from their lips the beloved theme of self? What could they find to talk of, if you debarred them of all the language of pride and envy ; the language of pride wherein self is perpetually exalted, and the lan- guage of envy wherein their neighbours are lessened and reproached ? IV. The man who has a low opinion of himself is not so often affronted : he does not so easily take offence : and when he meets with real disgrace and contempt, he does not feel so sharp and painful a sensation of it as galls the hearts of the sons of pride. He can bear with more ease that others should think meanly of him, be- causehe first thinks meanly of himself: He is much better tted to go through the world where every one must meet with some trials and some reproaches: He learns to bear the scandal of the world with a happy indiffer- ence, because he is not so solicitous about their applause He does not lie so much exposed to disquieting passions by any inroads made upon his honour and farne, because be has a low esteem of himself, and is content without fame and honour. But the proud and vain creatures who are full of self, and have a high esteem of their own persons and their qualifications, you can hardly either speak to them or of them, but you affront them, unless it be done in a flattering and submissive manner : and some are so humoursome in theirpride, that the very manner of this submission must