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ÒP PUSLIf` ÈVNTS. JV7 from his posterity so long as the moon endureth ; as his dominions are extended from sea to sea, so let him have a spreading influence from the rivers of Great Britain unto the ends of the earth : let those that dwell in distant lands, bow before him, and let his enemies liék the dust; let him live and reign a length of years, and all due tri- bute be given him ; let prayer be made for him continu- ally, and may he be ever engaged in works of blessing to the world, that he may receive daily and perpetual praises. And as the Spirit of God eminently designed Solomon in this Psalm, as a type of Christ, so let ús pray that our sovereign may imitate ours blessed Jesus in all divine virtues, and in the sacred qualifications of a ruler; that his throne may be surrounded with wisdom and esta- blished injustice : " In his majesty let him ride prosper- ously with truth, meekness and righteousness attending him ;" Ps. xlv. 4. may every princely virtue and grace dwell in his heart and shine through all his actions. May his authority and his royal example join together to work wonders ofreformation among the higher and the lower ranks of mankind: And may probity of manners be always a necessary step of access to the king's favour. Omay he be wise as an angel of God, to discern be- tween good and evil, between his sincere friends and fawning flatterers ! Grant, O Lord, that he may daily increase in sagacity and happy penetration to discover the true interest of the land, and be ever steady and re- solute in the pursuit of it. Let him see his own interest inseparably connected with the interest of his people, and pursue them together with glorious success. May the protestant powers abroad acknowledge him as their com- mon father, and their superior friend ; and may even the distant posterity of our nation join with the generations to come in foreign lands in paying honour to his memo- ry, as the chief support of religion and liberty in this lower world. And since God bath blessed us with a queen consort, let her also have a large share in our best wishes and Our pious addresses to heaven. Long may she live a transcen- dent blessing to the nation and the world and fulfil with honour all the promising prospects that her sublime cha- racter and virtue in a less exalted station have given us. o