THE INIQUITY OF COVETOUSNESS. e0T also ; " I will lead him and restore comforts to him and his mourners." This seems to be in short the meaning of the words,. and though it is the - latter verse I chiefly design to inlar`e upon, yet. now I shall be. enabled only to run over the first, which I shall do by raising several doctrinal propo- sitions. First. The first doctrine I shall raise is this': Cove- tousness in the children of God is a provoking sin,. Though the design of mychoice of this text be not to insist upon. ;this vice, yet it being mentioned as a particular instance, wherein the people of old lead departed from him, I cannot but speak to it a little. Arid, I. It provokes God, because it is a setting up an idol in the heart in the room of the living God. Col. iii. 5. " Covetousness which is idolatry." We do not indeed, in our nation, make gods and images in the likeness of man, or any other form, and fall down and worship them; but there is another way of making gods of gold, even by overvaluing our treasure, and setting our hearts and at= fectiens on our chests where our money is. Now the Lord is God alone, and he will not give his glory unto another; he will not suffer inward spiritual worship to be paid to gold and silver. Covetousness was so hateful to the Apostle's eyes, that he saith it should not so much as be named in a Christian church.. II. Covetousness is a provoking sin when found in the .childrenof God especially; for it is to return to the earth after a sight and foretaste of heaven ; such a backsliding is a contempt cast upon the glorious grace of God ; it is a refusal of his benefits. ' Ye that are called to the fel lowship of Christ, have ye not had some hope of an eter- nal inheritance ? and do ye return to this world as your Chiefjoy? Doyou esteem your enjoyments in it your chief good ? Have ye begun in the spirit, and will ye thus end in the flesh ? I-Iave ye an inheritance provided above, that fades not away, and do you again choose for yourselves short-lived possessions and inheritançes that quickly con- sume away ? Such a return to sensual and carnal lusts may, well be provoking to that God that has once raised you out of that state. Such a contempt of the goodness of grace, of which you are made a partaker, must needs be displeasing to the almighty giver. And,