Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.3

ë4f Co$cLUSiOÑ. is the wine of the kingdom lbr bur cordial. Are we fainting and feeble ? Hereis spiritual food to nourish and support us.. Are we oppressed under temptations and grfeat conflicts ! Here is the Spirit of God to enable. us to overcome them ; here is the blood of the Iamb to cast down the tempter. Are we drawing near to death and the grave, with sorrows or sickness ? Here is a dying Saviour set before you, who now lives and reigns' in glory, as our pattern and our forerunner. Though he was once a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, who was put to death through weakness ; vet, behold, he lives by the power of God raising him from the dead. IMPROVEMENT. I. In what a feeble state are Christians in this world, both with regard to their temporal life and peace ; and yet how well secured by the grace of Christ and the Gospel : Ever dying, and behold they live. The bush turning is not consumed : God is in the bush. II. How glorious a grace is faith to support dying Christians through so many distresses and difficulties, both in flesh and spirit? The Christian's life is upheld by faith ; this revives us from all our dying circumstances, and under all our sinkings this supports us. III. What foundation is laid for the courage and hope of Christians in their lowest state in this life: when they consider this hath been the case of their predecessors in all ages ;. dyin ; and behold they live ! The church of God itself, how often hash it been near destruction ? but the arm and love of God. bath preserved it : every parti- cular saint bath liad his dangers and his fears, and, be- hold, they arse brought to salvation ! IV. What a blessed state are we travelling to, when we shall be possessed of life without any danger or fear of dying; where we shall be vested With immortality and life in perfection : where we shall live a life ofstrength without weakness; of health, without sickness; of safety, without danger; of peace, without disturbance ; of ho- liness,' without sin or temptation ; and unknown joy; without fear or sorrow, Sor ever. Amen. THE END OF THE PRACTICAL WORKS, PRINTED BY J. CU DEB, IVY -LANE.