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SEEM. IV.] CHRIST EXALTED AND THE SPIRIT GIVEN. 59 John xvi, 22. Is he exalted to power and dominion, to a crown and a throne, and to royal honours ? His follow- ers also must have a crown of life and righteousness, they shall sit upon thrones to judge the tribes of Israel, they . shall have power over the nations, and share according to their measure and capacity in the honours of an ex- alted Saviour. Rev. ii. 10, 26. and iii. 21. Mat. xix. 28. Fix the eye of your faith on a glorified Jesus, and behold there a pattern of your own joys and glories; such honour have all his saints ; Ps. cxlix. 9. But again JI say, remember that your character and your share is far inferior to his; you are but members, he is the head : You are but sinners saved, he is the Saviour and without sin : You are but adopted children, he is the original Soo: You are but creatures made in time, he is the Son of God before the creation : " In the beginning he was with God, and he was God;" John i. 1. " In all things be must have the' pre- eminence ;" Cal. i. 18. Remark IV. Is Christ exalted, " then he can secure to himself and to his people, whatsoever honours or blessiDgs his humiliation has purchased, for himself or for them." He offered up himself a sacrifice for the sins of men, and thereby, according to the ancient covenant with his Father, he procured a seat of glory and power, at his right-hand for himself, and eternal salvation for all his people. He is risen from the dead, he is possessed of these promised powers, he can vindicate his own ho-. nours, and insure grace and glory, and all the 'blessings of the purchased salvation to all his people. Remark V. Is Christ exalted to the kingdom; then " the plots of all his enemies in earth and hell against his church are but vain devices." His enemies must submit to him or perish before him. When God has set his Son Jesus as " king on his holy hill Zion ;" Ps. ii. 1 -12. and " given him the heathen for his dominion;" it is buta vain and fruitless rage, that the princes or peo- ple can discover against his kingdom. Let the kings of the earth be wise," let them " serve the Lord with fear," and bow before him, or he shall crush them " with a rod of iron, and dash them as a potter's vessel." Tho church of Christ may rejoice in her lowest estate, having such a Ruler and such a Saviour on high. He will never forget nor forsake her interests, till he has fulfilled all