iÍ 160 NEARNESS TO GOD. then whatsoever leads us nearest to God will rise in value s; our esteem. Thep our hearts will set a high esteem on those friends or relativeswho draw us to the knowledge and love of God Then we shall prize the ministrations of the gospel in Englandabove the riches of both the Indies ; then we shall not think the Ministry of the word a mean and contemptible employment, nor delight to hear scandals thrown on the persons or the characters of those who are engaged in it ; for these are the servants Of the living God, who sheru us the way to be happy. Thenweshall commendthose sermons, and those writings most, not that have most wit and fancy inthem, but those which we . feel and find to draw our hearts farthest off from sin and the crea- ture, and bring themnearest to God ; and then, iftherewere but one bible in the world, we should all agree to say, that there is not treasure enough in all thematerial creation to purchase it out of our hands, VI. Reflection, All the means of separation from 00 should be numbered among the instruments of real misery. Does Satan the fallen angel, 'solicit our youth with his flat- teries ; that it is time enough to mind religion yet ; let us have a. few more gaudy days first'? Does he frighten the aged sinner with terrible falsehoods, and tempt him to an utter despair of grace ? Let his wicked suggestions be renounced with disdain, and let him never prevail to keep one soul ofus at a distance from 0001; for hisfirst business was todivideus fromGod, and to ruin our happiness : And it is his daily employment to hold us fast in the chains of iniquity and death, and thus to prevent our return to God. Does the flesh allure us to pursue sinful delights ? Does it awaken and charm our imagination with the flowery and fatal scenes of hixury and mirth ? Do the lusts of the flesh, or the lusts of the eye, persuadeus to seekhappinessamongthem ? And tempt ús, atleast for the present,to lay aside the thoughts of God j Let us set a strict guard upon ourselves, and watch all the avenuesof sense and appetite, lestwe be drawn off fromthe prat.. tice ofpiety, and the service, and the love of God, where true, happiness is only to be found. Do you find; Q christians, that the world begins to creep into your hearts ? Do you find any creature sit tóo near your . souls, and takeupany of that time and room which God should have there ? Awake; betimes, and bestir yourselves, lest it divide youfrom yourhappiness. When you feel your spirits'at any time grow cold in religious worship, when you cab pass a day with, an indifference about secret converse with God, and be content t4